Saturday, April 25, 2009

Statement from Fur Tribe in IDPs and Refugees camps on Persecution of their Innocent Members over Alleged Killing

Statement from Fur Tribe in IDPs and Refugees camps on Persecution of their Innocent Members over Alleged Killing
Posted by Alrabae Adam Ezaldeen

Khartoum Islamist regime continues the killing of our tribesmen, women and children as part of its genocidal intention on Fur tribe. Without mercy, on 13th April 2009 the Janjaweed led governments persecuted nine innocent Fur tribe members and were hanged at Kober prison in Khartoum-North over allegations of killing of Islamic fundamentalist member and the editor in chief of the pro-Islamist newspaper Al-Wifaq, Mohammed Taha Mohammed Ahmed. All Fur tribe members in IDPs camps and in refugees’ camps in neighboring countries received this bad news with grief and great sadness. We all strongly condemn the barbaric acts of Islamist fundamentalist regime that always persecutes the innocents for dirty political reasons. We pray For the God to accept their innocent souls and rest them in peace. The following are the names of the hanged men of our tribe:
1. Ishag Al-Sanusi Juma 75 years old with seven.
2. Abdel Hai Omer Abdel Majeed 45 years and old father for 4.
3. Mustafa Adam Mohamed Mohamed Khalifa 72 year old and father for 5.
4. Abdel Majeed Ali 33 years old and father for 4.
5. Sabir Zakariya Hassan 28 years old.
6. Gamal Eldin Eisa Al Haj 45 years old and father for 5.
7. Adam Ibrahim Alhaj 44 years old, father for 3 children.
8. Mohamed Birgid 65 years old, father for 6.
9. Hassan Adam Fadol 55 years old 7.
We hereby appeal the international community and Human Rights activists to investigate this incident and furthermore to stop the regime from committing more crimes over millions of its opponents kept in Sudan prisons without trials especially after the indictment of the vampire Omer Al- Bashir. On this regards we will work hard side by side with our freedom fighters four regime change and establish secular, liberal, and democratic united Sudan that expands for all.
However, Fur Tribe men and women would like to assure to Khartoum Islamist regime which is sanguine for the blood of the innocents, that all types of atrocities including killings, detentions, rapes or other types of torture, will not cow the wills of our tribe, instead such intimidations increases our determination to exterminate the hallucinated regime from power and free all our Sudanese folks from their captivity.
Chief of Fur Tribe /Osman Tarleen
Kalma IDPs camp

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