Saturday, April 25, 2009

Posted by Alrabae Adam Ezaldeen

Sudan Liberation Movement/Army Highly welcomes the
Visit of American Senators to Sudan
Posted by Alrabae Adam Ezaldeen

The Sudan Liberation Movement/Army is highly welcomed the visit of US Democratic Senator John Kerry, a former presidential candidate and the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Since the beginning of Darfur crisis the American Administration in Washington not only labeled the Darfur conflict genocide but also was on the top of the countries that supply the displace Darfuris with food, medical cares and other basic life necessities needed to save the lives of innocent civilians from brutal genocide that is committed against them. Although its not the first time for people of Darfur to see their brothers and sisters in the peace loving nation America to stand on their side in times of sufferings and the hardships. In 1983 when draught hit North Africa the Administration of late President Ronald Regan was first to save people of Darfur from the hunger. The Sudan Liberation Movement/Army who is seeking to establish Secular, Liberal and democratic united Sudan under the leadership of its Chairperson Abdul Wahid Mohamed Nur, learned in this life and now believes in principle; that the true brotherhood and sisterhood is only in humanity.
Dear visiting Senators, without detailed explanations, you have watched and read many reports about the tragedy of the vulnerable people of Darfur where all kinds of genocide tortures are practiced against them by Islamic Fundamentalists regime in Khartoum. However, the arrest warrant issued from The Hague against President Omer Al-Bashir, the Khartoum regime ousted 13 foreign and 3 domestic aid groups. The expulsion of Aid workers is a genocidal regime intention to make sure that those who did not die from the attacks will die from thirsty, hunger or diseases. Beforehand the Khartoum regime knows very well that the foreign donors and aid organizations; whether they are U.N. organizations or NGOs, would not be prepared simply to hand over humanitarian assistances to the perpetrator to distribute them simply because its against the humanitarian principles, therefore the regime in empty bravado said that the national NGOs will fill the gap. Although, after 13 NGOs left the camps, in Abu shouk camp in particular the regime distributed toxic items in which number of children lost their lives.

Dear Senator kerry and your esteem delegation; we have long time reiterated calls for a no flight zone over Darfur, a measure that President Barack Obama had said during a presidential campaign on October 7, 2008 that he intended to take. As reaction to the proposition Sudan Armed Forces and their Allied militias Janjaweeds intensified their ground attacks supported by air force in our controlled areas where many innocent children, elders and women were brutally killed. Dear Senator its time for the American Government and its allies to act now, where our people are badly in need of security than ever before so in order to avoid worse than Rwanda genocide.

On the other hand, the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army requests on President Obamas' new administration and its allies to do the following for the sake of our suffering people:
1. The systematic rapes and killing is rampant on daily basis, therefore US Government and its allies must impose no fly zone all over Darfur.
2. Force Khartoum regime to disarm the Janjweeds militias who are real threat to the Internally Displaced People and the refugees in neighboring countries according to Security Council Resolution passed on Sudan.
3. Forces Khartoum dictators to remove the new occupants or new settlers from lands of the refugees and the IDPs to facilitate smooth repatriations.
4. To exert international efforts to send any of regime official or individual involved in the genocide, crime against humanity and war crimes to ICC for fair trail..
5. Then provide security for the repatriation of the refugees and internally displaced persons.
6. Force the regime to release unconditionally the political detainees all over Sudan, stop politicized executions and open windows and doors for freedom of expression.
7. Force the regime to reverse its decision of expelling the NGOs.

Nimir Mohammed Abdelrahman
The Military spokesperson/
Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army
Liberated Areas.

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