Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fur Tribe elders’ Council Warns Khartoum Regime for the Consequences of its genocide plans

Fur Tribe elders’ Council Warns Khartoum Regime for the Consequences of its genocide plans
Posted by Alrabae Adam Ezaldeen

The military dictatorship regime in Khartoum which excelled in perpetrating all kind of human rights violations, cleansing it’s own civilians and committing bloodbaths starting from the famous Ramadan carnage in which the regime executed twenty-eight officers, Port Sudan massacre, Kajabar Dam and Elmanaseir area butcheries and before yesterday the killing of nine innocent tribemen from the Fur tribe; falsely accused of killing the journalist Mohammed Taha Mohammed Ahmed.Every body knows that it’s the security apparatus of the regime that liquidated the journalist after the regime failed to appease him through money to desist from revealing the crimes of the regime and furthermore of his active engagement in money-laundering processes. By using Mohammed Taha incident and kill nine innocent peopleو the regime is sending a loaded message that it persists to continue the genocide against the people of Darfur by putting the entire Fur Tribe on the top of the blacklist. It’s because of the Fur tribe uncompromised stands that sending the fundamentalist regime to it’s doomed fate to ICC. The regime has believes that the all members of Fur stubborn tribe who works against the Islamic Fundamentalists regime in Khartoum must be eliminated wherever they are and by all means. Therefore; all means of exterminations were use be it the Janjaweed allied militias, Government Antinov, expulsion of the NGos, or by politicization of the judiciary system to avenge the indictment of Elbashir. Not only that recently the genocide regime through its security apparatuses sprayed toxics on the children of the IDPs in Abu Shouk refugee camp.
Hereby the elders’ council “ Majlis El agadda ” of the Sudan Liberation Movement would like to confirm the Following:

1- No negotiation at all; what so ever with the fundamentalist genocidal regime of Khartoum, however; we will all possible means to get rid of the regime and free Sudanese people from their fist.
2- Whenever a regime targets certain groups of people in Sudan the resistance becomes a duty therefore; we call every Sudanese man or woman to join their efforts with Sudan Liberation Movement to topple the murderous regime to build the secular, liberal, democratic and united Sudan ushered by it’s leader Abdul Wahid Mohammed Ahmed Nur for, to have ever lasting peace of dignity.
3- Our arms has no limit to send the Khartoum junta to their inevitable doom through popular uprising (intifada), however, we knew beforehand that, the regime will resort to it’s cowardly act of killing the innocent people and this was not something we wanted to see it happen. Furthermore; we will retaliate for the deaths of our innocent people in the proper way and time.
4- Killing, imprisonment or any other coercive means will not break the backbone of the liberation; it would rather stiffen the will and encourage continuing the struggle to oust the radical fundamentalist regime of Khartoum.

Khalil Ibrahim Bakur ( Abu Jamal)
The Head of the Fur Tribe Elders’ Council
The Liberated Areas

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