Monday, February 26, 2007

President George Bush: President George Bush:

President George Bush:
postet by Alrabae Adam EzaldeenEvery day, the 2.5 million people chased from their homes in Darfur face the threat of starvation, disease, and rape, while the few lucky enough to remain in their homes risk displacement, torture and murder. Therefore, we call on you to do the following:
Strengthen the understaffed and overwhelmed African Union peackeeping force already in Darfur.
Push for the deployment of a strong UN peacekeeping force.
Increase humanitarian aid and ensure access for aid delivery.
Establish a no-fly zone.

Leader: U.S. Exaggerating Darfur Woes
postet by Alrabae Adam Ezaldeen
Sudan's president told attendees of the Nation of Islam's national convention Friday that the United States is exaggerating troubles in his country's volatile Darfur region so it can control the country as it has in Iraq. President Omar al-Bashir was invited to speak via satellite at the three-day convention by representatives of longtime Nation leader Louis Farrakhan. Al-Bashir said he was using the address, which was scheduled for live broadcast on Sudanese television, to call on the mass media and American public to learn the truth about his country. "A number of governments, including the U.S., are putting pressure (on Sudan)," he said. "They're imposing solutions that don't respect the dignity of our nation." He reiterated comments he made last week that he would not allow U.N. peacekeepers into his country. He suggested that Sudan could accept more African Union peacekeepers - with U.N. support. He said the AU force is "doing fantastically well" while the Security Council resolution would put "Sudan under the full mandate of foreign countries" and gives U.N. troops "the same position as coalition forces in Iraq." He said Darfur is "quite calm," and said its problems are limited to a small section in the region's north.

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